About Us


Welcome to AIR Childcare Training Solutions!




At AIR Childcare Training Solutions, we believe that quality childcare is the foundation for a bright future. We specialize in providing top-tier training and business solutions tailored for ECE professionals and organizations. Our mission is to empower individuals and businesses in the childcare sector with the tools, knowledge, and resources necessary to deliver exceptional care and education to young children. Our comprehensive training programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of childcare professionals, ensuring they are equipped to foster safe, nurturing, and enriching environments. Whether you are looking to obtain your CDA (Child Development Associate Credential) or advance your career pathway, we have a solution for you.



Why Choose AIR Childcare Training Solutions?


  • Expert-Led Training: Our courses are individually crafted and delivered by seasoned and highly qualified ECE professionals who bring real-world experience and insights to the table. Each course offers distinct content, ensuring there is no overlap of material. Our diverse range of training programs cover essential areas such as child development, health and safety, curriculum planning, and leadership skills. Whether you are just starting your career in childcare, obtaining your CDA (Child Development Associate Credential), or looking to advance your expertise, our courses are designed to help you succeed.
  • Flexible Learning Options: We understand the demands of the childcare profession, which is why we offer online, in-person, and proctored training options to fit your schedule and learning style.
  • State Approved: Each training course is pre-approved to meet the specific requirements of each state before being listed on our website, minimizing the hassle and ensuring you receive credit for your training every time.
  • IACET Accredited: The IACET CEU mandates that our trainings adhere to high-quality, competency-based instructional design guidelines, equipping ECE professionals to effectively nurture and support child development and growth. As an organization, our vetted policies and procedures ensure that our business model effectively supports and meets the needs of each individual learner.


Our Business Solutions


Running a successful childcare business requires more than just a passion for working with children. It demands strategic planning, efficient operations, and effective management. At AIR Childcare Training Solutions, we provide a range of business services within our Administrator Access to support your organization's growth and success, including:


  • Group Registration & Purchasing: Make purchases for the entire staff in one transaction.
  • Progress Tracking and Reporting: Easily manage staff at each site location and track course progress and career pathways.
  • State-Specific Certificates and Verification: Fully customizable, State-specific certificates that meet your State's criteria. Training verification processes are guaranteed in every state.
  • Proctored Training Opportunities: Allow for group trainings proctored at your convenience.
  • Financial Incentives: Bulk Purchasing opportunities make the most of your organization's training budget.
  • Flexible Payment Options: From individual/corporate credit card purchases, Checks, or Purchase Orders, we've got you covered.



Our Commitment to Excellence


 At AIR Childcare Training Solutions, we believe that quality childcare is the cornerstone of a thriving community. Our commitment to excellence drives us to provide comprehensive training and business solutions supporting individual ECE professionals and organizations. We are dedicated to fostering environments where children can grow, learn, and thrive and where ECE professionals can achieve their full potential.




Join the AIR Community

Discover how AIR Childcare Training Solutions can elevate your childcare practice or business. Explore our website to learn more about our courses, meet our team of experts, and learn how our business solutions can support your growth. Together, we can create a brighter future for children and those who care for them.




Get in Touch


 Ready to embark on a journey of professional growth and business excellence? Contact us today to learn more about our training programs and business solutions. Our friendly and knowledgeable support team is here to answer your questions and guide you every step of the way.