Closing Out the School Year:  Tips for Early Childhood Educators

Closing Out the School Year: Tips for Early Childhood Educators

Posted by AIR Childhood Training Solutions Teacher Resource Team on May 31st 2023

Ready for summer? Whether that means a three-month break for you or a change in daily routine, it’s important to reflect on the past year in order to plan a successful new one.

Image of an empty childcare center classroom

Summer marks some major milestones:

  • For K-3 teachers, the shutting down of school buildings happens this month before the break.
  • For childcare providers, activities will shift to match parents’ changing schedules, allow for outdoor teaching opportunities, and enable staff vacations.

Regardless of your situation, before we get too caught up in the sunnier weather, it’s a good idea to take a step back and reflect on the past year.

Celebrate Your Students’ Achievements -- and Your Own

Before you say goodbye to your little learners, take a moment to look back on the milestones they've achieved throughout the year. Plan a special end-of-year celebration to acknowledge their progress and highlight their accomplishments.

Whether it's a small ceremony, a fun awards show, or a delightful picnic, make sure to shower them with praise, applause, and plenty of hugs!

But don’t stop the celebration there. Focus on what you accomplished this past year. Did you complete any new professional development programs? Try something new in the classroom? Take on a leadership role?

Take the time to feel proud of how you and your students have grown together over the past 12 months.

Say "Thank You" and Show Gratitude

Take a moment to express your heartfelt gratitude to your fellow educators, support staff, and parents who have collaborated with you throughout the year.

Send handwritten notes or small tokens of appreciation, expressing your thanks for their dedication and support. These acts of kindness will foster a sense of camaraderie and remind everyone of the amazing community they belong to.

Pack Up with Purpose

Wrapping up the school year involves organizing and packing away supplies, decorations, and resources. Make this task enjoyable by involving your little helpers. Assign them special roles, such as sorting art supplies, stacking books, or creating labels.

You can even turn it into a game, challenging them to find the fastest and most efficient ways to pack up. Remember to recycle, donate, or repurpose any items that are no longer needed, as it's a great opportunity to teach children about sustainability.

Pro tip: Keep an inventory of your supplies with notes on which box they are in and where they are being stored. This will make it easier for you to unpack and build up your classroom again later.

Reflect and Revise

Spend some time evaluating the past year: What worked well? What could be improved?

Reflecting on your teaching practices, lesson plans, and classroom management strategies will help you fine-tune your approach for the next school year.

Seek feedback from your colleagues and even your little students themselves. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights to enhance your teaching methods and create an even more engaging environment.

Complement Classwork

As summer rolls around, encourage parents and families to enroll their children in local summer camps or provide a list of recommended activities. Collaborate with other educators to organize a fun and educational summer camp for your little learners.

You can plan exciting field trips, theme days, or even invite guest speakers to keep the learning spirit alive throughout the summer break. Remember, keeping children engaged during the summer contributes to preventing the "summer slide."

Can’t travel? The good news is that there are a number of online and virtual field trips you can take with your students or suggest to parents for summer enrichment.

Refresh and Recharge

After a busy school year, it's crucial to take care of yourself. Use the summer break to recharge and rejuvenate. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as reading a good book, exploring nature, or pursuing a hobby.

Invest time in your personal growth by attending workshops, conferences, or online courses related to early childhood education. Remember, a refreshed educator brings new energy and creativity into the classroom.

Connect and Collaborate

Summer is an ideal time to network and collaborate with fellow early childhood educators. Join online communities, forums, or social media groups dedicated to educators, where you can share ideas, ask questions, and seek inspiration. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube & Pinterest for resources and activity ideas all summer long.

Engage in discussions, exchange resources, and foster a sense of camaraderie within the education community. Connecting with others will not only enrich your professional journey but also remind you that you're part of an incredible tribe of passionate educators.

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