The trainings in this category are approved by The Oregon Department of Education Early Learning Division Office of Child Care as correspondence courses, to be accepted towards a requirement of 15 clock hours of training yearly, of which at least eight clock hours shall be in child development or early childhood education.
What is the OCCD?
The Oregon Center for Career Development (OCCD)is the central resource for early childhood educators, trainers, and programs that are intended for young children and their families in Oregon. One of the key tools that the OCCD is using, is a practitioner registry, also known as the Oregon Registry. This registry provides resources to professional development training opportunities and quality improvement tools in one centralized website in order to support early childhood educators in Oregon.
The Oregon Registry offers a wide variety of childcare training courses. The Oregon Registry approves face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses. Courses are also available in multiple languages.
Oregon Childcare Training Tools
While there are many great tools available to childcare professionals, here’s two that we’ve found to be very useful.
The ‘Training Calendar’ tab in the Oregon Registry allows users to search for trainings using specific filters. Users can look through the training calendar filtering by core knowledge category, training language, intended age group, start date, and so much more.
Education Awards in the Oregon Registry are rewarded to early childhood professionals who continue to encourage training and education. In order to achieve an education award, participants must be reach certain milestones as well as be employed at an Office of Child Care (OCC) licensed facility or be a Department of Human Services (DHS) active provider.
How many hours of ongoing training are needed in Oregon?
According to the Oregon Department of Education Early Learning Division: Licensing Training Requirements for Child Care Workers revised in 2017, staff members must complete fifteen (15) hours of ongoing training each year.