The training in this category is accepted by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services in accordance with Texas Administrative Code regarding child care training rules to meet annual clock hours allowed from online professional development courses.
What is TECPDS?
The Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System (TECPDS) is the formerly known Texas Early Care and Education Career Development System (TECECDS). TECPDS is one of the many statewide programs that is managed by the Children’s Learning Institute. TECPDS supports the entire Texas early childhood system including programs, professionals, children, and families. In 2018, TECPDS began offering free accounts for the Texas Workforce Registry to all practitioners and directors.
The Texas Workforce Registry offers professional development and quality improvement tools in one centralized website in order to support early childhood educators in Texas. Features of this system include the ability to create a professional profile, view reports, list and view job openings, evaluate trainings, and link to school or program employers. Participants can create a center director/administrator or a practitioner account depending on their job roles. Both of these accounts provide numerous resources to advance professionals in their careers.
The Texas Workforce Registry approves trainings from qualified trainers. AIR Child Care Training Solutions offers trainings under the trainer Pam Oviatt.
Texas Childcare Training Tools
While there are many great tools available to childcare professionals, here’s two that we’ve found to be very useful.
Search for Training in the Texas Workforce Registry tab allows users to search for trainings, trainers, and by organization. Under these different categories, users can search by competencies, trainer level, audience level, and so much more.
My Training Evaluations allows users to evaluate trainings that they have taken on the Texas Workforce Registry. These evaluations are useful for other members of the Texas Workforce Registry to see trainings that other users have enjoyed.
How many clock hours of training are needed?
According to Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Licensing Division, Minimum Standards for Child Care Centers from 2018, twenty-four clock hours (24) of professional development are required each year for all staff members.